30-Minute Tips & Timesavers - Setting Up a New Campaign 1892
30-Minute Tips & Timesavers - Setting Up a New Campaign
Setting up new campaigns can be stressful—but it is crucial to your organization’s success. Join us in this webinar to get tips on how to set up campaigns, solicit funds, and more in Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge™ database view.

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Date & Time
Wednesday April 18th, 2018 1:00pm EDT
End Date & Time
Wednesday April 18th, 2018 1:30pm EDT

Event Comments

As promised, here are the questions that didn't get answered during the webinar today, along with my responses:

Our RE was recently set up with “Campaigns” that correspond to our financial statement categories, i.e. Foundation Grants, Contributions, Government, Events and a few others. This doesn’t really seem to maximize RE’s capabilities. It would be easy enough to change at this point. Any suggestions?

Chris>> This list you provide would be better suited as campaign categories, or even better yet, fund categories. They look important for reporting purposes, but are very general (example "contributions"). If you can get away with renaming a campaign record, that's the easiest way. And if you can't then mark these existing campaigns inactive and start new campaigns.

We have people that are marked as solicitors from a previous campaign even though we have not ever really used them effectively.  Is there a way to remove all solicitors and 'start fresh'? If we remove the check that says that person was a solicitor, is it saved historically anywhere?

Chris>> I'm assuming you are referring to the "Is a Solicitor" checkbox in the Bio1 tab. Assuming you are, you can safely uncheck that checkbox once someone is no longer a solicitor/fundraiser in Raiser's Edge. Note: this need to be done one solicitor/fundraiser at a time (there's no global change function for this checkbox). While you're in the record, add end dates to their relationships with prospects (constituents) as it'll help you down the road when looking at people's Relationships tab. Note: there is a global change function for this, but be careful in here. Unless there's a lot of records to change it may be worth doing the changes manually as you have more control, and you'll likely find other things to fix/update along the way.

Curious how you're using solicit codes to track donor interest in your example record. Any chance you could do a 1/2 hour on that?

Chris>> I will certainly add it to the webinar schedule. It may not be until 2019. It's too good of a topic to try and squeeze into an existing webinar this year.


Event Attendees
