Recent Discussions

Mark Bezanson
Hello. Is there a way to create two tickets, one for Early Bird and then when that time passes a Regular price ticket ...
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@Mark Bezanson
the functionality you speak of does not exist for Online Express event registration form nor RE NXT ...

Lanetta Gilder
Hello everyone! Needing assistance solving a few employee giving campaign issues. Your organization has an ...
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@Lanetta Gilder A few things to consider:

  • Employment turnover - how does that effect the amounts actually paid as ...
Isabel Alcalde
Hello Everyone! Hoping you can help me out with this registration fee question. We will offer “Early Bird” ...
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@Isabel Alcalde - I recommend you accomplish this with two registration forms. Set up your ‘Early Bird’ form with ...

Naila Asif
I have imported new incoming students along with their parent/s information. I need to add power school id in RE, ...
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@Naila Asif :

I have imported new incoming students along with their parent/s information. I need to add power ...

Chris Zello
Has anyone used an Address service that will accept a CSV file, in order to verify that the address is accurate and ...
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@Chris Zello When I was still working at Zeidman Development, the developers added the option to set addresses to ...

Gayle Bendoris
Hello, Does anyone know how to import multiple attributes to existing constituents? I am able to do this by putting ...
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Madelaine Heaven
I am entering about ten years' worth of grants our organization has received (Raiser's Edge is still quite new to ...
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@Madelaine Heaven What does your organization do in this case from an accounting side might be worth considering. ...

    Madelaine Heaven
    Here's the scenario: We have a $150,000 matching gift pledge from Org A. We applied for and received a $25,000 grant ...
    Open for Discussion

    @Madelaine Heaven Welcome to the Blackbaud community forums.

    So you created a ‘pledge’ on Org A's record for ...