What's New In Raiser's Edge NXT The Week Of December 13 3022

What's New In Raiser's Edge NXT The Week Of December 13


This week, Raiser's Edge NXT updates with some enhancements to constituent records, with a focus on personal details.

6836e5c27d8b09ee8a48013bc5158ffc-huge-prNicknames are now 'Preferred names'. Since how you address someone can set the tone of an interaction, it's important to know what to call them. To emphasize this and help ensure well-received interactions, you can now track a constituent's informal nickname as their preferred name. Previously, a constituent's nickname appeared as aka on their record. For more information, see the Names Help.

Focus on constituents' personal info. To help make names and demographics more prominent on constituent records, name formats and personal information now appear first — before contact information — under Constituent summary. For more details, see the Summary Help.

For more information about these features, or to catch up on previous releases, see the What's New Help and What's Recent Help. Enjoy!
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 12/13/2016 2:57pm EST

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Paul Finch Paul Finch Dec '16
Sorry if this has created confusion. We try to be very thoughtful about changing field names. To give you some background, typically changes occur when one or more of the following is true:

• The previous name does not accurately capture what it is or how it is used
• There is regional/global confusion created by the term used
• The term is outdated
• A change is warranted to better align the language used across products in our portfolio
• There are duplicate terms that mean the same thing that need to be worked through
Blackbaud needs to stop renaming fields.
