What's New in Raiser's Edge NXT the week of October 12: Attachments! 475

What's New in Raiser's Edge NXT the week of October 12: Attachments!


As you cultivate a relationship, you likely (or should!) collect collateral — such as correspondence, artifacts from prospect research, and pictures or videos from fundraising events — that help create a complete picture of the constituent. This week, Raiser's Edge NXT updates with a new feature to enable you to track and work with this collateral directly from a constituent's record!

On a constituent's record, you can now upload or link to files — such as images, videos, PDFs, Microsoft Word documents, and Excel spreadsheets — under Attachments. To save this material to a constituent's record, select Attach a file and choose whether to upload or link to it.
  • To upload a file saved locally or on your network, simply move it from its location to Drag a file here, or select the box to browse to its location.
  • To link to a file found online or in a cloud storage account such as Dropbox or Google Drive (we recommend this for files over 100 mb), simply copy-and-paste its link and select Done.
To help identify an attachment, you can also save its name and type. For more information, check out the Attachments Help.

As these attachments live in the cloud, you can:
  • Quickly upload or link them to the constituent's record.
  • Easily access them across multiple devices.
  • Open and work with them in their native applications such as Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat.
(Note that while you can also manage a constituent's files as media on their record in the database view, we strongly recommend you instead work with them in the web interface. For details why, see the Attachments or Media? Help.)

In future releases, you'll be able to search for and filter attachments on a constituent's record, attach a profile picture, and save files on other types of records! For more information about this release, or to catch up on previous updates, check out the What's New Help or What's Recent Help. Enjoy!
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 10/12/2015 1:21pm EDT

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