Work Center Tips & Tricks: Maximize Your Data with Query and Global Change 98

Work Center Tips & Tricks: Maximize Your Data with Query and Global Change


From Work Center, solicitors and fundraisers have easy access to everything they need to cultivate their assigned constituent portfolio and manage related activity. As you set up Work Center for your organization, it's important to clean up your data and ensure your constituent relationships are active so your solicitors get the most of this one-stop shop. From the classic database view, you can use Query and Global Add or Global Change to keep your relationships and solicitor assignments current and buzzing.

To remove constituents you don't plan to interact with from Work Center, mark them as inactive so they don't clutter the portfolios of any assigned solicitors. In the database view, run a query to create selections of constituents based on the criteria your organization uses to determine whether they're inactive — such as the recency of giving or other activity — and use Global Change to update their status. In Work Center, your solicitors' Portfolio lists automatically exclude inactive constituents.

To remove former solicitors and avoid an empty or outdated Work Center, enter end dates for any of their assigned constituent relationships. In the database view, run a query to create selections of constituents who have assigned solicitor relationships with dates that haven't been updated in over a year. With these selections, you can review your older solicitor assignments to verify they're all valid. If you find former solicitors who no longer actively manage constituents, update the end dates of their assigned relationships one-off or through Global Change (just be careful so you don't inadvertently end all of a constituent's solicitor relationships!). When a fundraising manager or supervisor reviews their solicitors' Work Center activity, these inactive solicitors no longer appear as options to view.

To help cultivate relationships with new donors who have high wealth ratings, assign actions to solicitors to rapidly thank the constituents for their gifts and provide the white-glove treatment. In the database view, run a query to create selections of unassigned constituents with a recent first gift and a high wealth rating. Then, use Global Add to create and assign actions for these constituents to your high-touch solicitors. When you create the action, you can include detailed instructions on how the solicitor should interact with the donor — such as by phone call or personal meeting — and the specific items you'd like them to discuss. In the solicitor's Work Center, these actions automatically appear in the Actions list, regardless of whether they're also assigned the constituent relationship.

Those are just a few of the ways to use the database view to clean your data and keep your solicitors focused in Work Center! For more information about Query in the database view, see Getting Started with Query or the Query and Export Guide.
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 04/17/2015 4:17pm EDT

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