Top Altru Tool For The Characters Of Game Of Thrones - CONTAINS SPOILERS 3897

Top Altru Tool For The Characters Of Game Of Thrones - CONTAINS SPOILERS

HBO’s hit series Game of Thrones came to an end yesterday. Through seven seasons we saw seven kingdoms and countless character’s change and grow. However many secrets were revealed many of our beloved characters’ future are uncertain and many questions were left unanswered. If you anything like me one thing you’re probably left wondering is “which Altru tool would be that character’s favorite?”.
Well, summon the maesters and bards, today is a day to be chronicled in history and song! I have spent an unreasonable amount of time and thought to bring you the answers. Here it is: 10 Game of Throne characters and their favorite Altru tool! CONTAINS SPOILERS
Tyrion Lannister: Smart Queries
That's what I do. I drink and I know things.
Tyrion often finds himself in advisory positions and having quick informed answers to questions can be a real asset in such roles. He’d certainly need more in depth and detailed analysis from time to time but I think he'd like being able to easily analyze and share information.
Petyr "Little finger" Baelish: Queries and Export
Every possible series of events is happening all at once. Live that way and nothing will surprise you.
Petyr Baelish, my personal facial hair inspiration, is a master manipulator and political strategist. Say what you will about his moral, I can’t help admire his curiosity and creativity. None of his accomplishment could have come about without carefully measuring a massive set of variables. Query and Export would be Petyr’s playground.
Daenerys Targaryen: Prospect tools
All my allies are gone. They've been taken from me while I've been sitting here on this island!
Daenrys Stormborn, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Mother of Dragons, The Unburnt, and Breaker of Chains would require an editable addressee as a constituent, without question. As a leader, she could use help tracking and building relationships. I don’t know if Westeros has gotten to the concept of Moves Management in its timeline but Dany needs help gaining and keeping allies and thorough management of those constituents might be a solution.
Theon Greyjoy: Aliases and Name Format options
Ramsay Snow: I need you to play a role. To pretend to be someone you're not.
Theon Greyjoy: Pretend to be who?
Ramsay Snow: Theon Greyjoy.
While the Mother of Dragons has too many titles Theon has too many personalities. Since I don’t think he’d be comfortable with “Reek” as a nickname I feel like Alias would a need here. Theon is definitely the kind of constituent to winge about such things and he’s been through a lot so Alias it is. 
Jon Snow: Relationship Tree
I never met my mother. My father wouldn't even tell me her name. I don't know if she's living or dead.
A number of plot points hinge on Jon’s uncertain parentage and his character’s upbringing and development would have been much different if there was more transparency. Given Ned Stark’s influence on Jon’s life and education, I think strong visual aids might be helpful.
Jaime Lannister: Prospect Plan Outlines
Jaime Lannister: There are always lessons in failures.
Olenna Tyrell: Yes. You must be very wise by now.
Jaime often finds himself faced with difficult decisions and frequently makes choices impulsively without fully appreciating the outcomes. Prospect Plan Outlines could provide him with a more tactical and structured thinking model to work from and he wouldn’t have to run head long into danger without knowing if he’ll sink or swim.
Arya Stark: Life Changes configuration defaults
Sansa Stark: Your list?
Arya Stark: Of people I'm going to kill.
I don’t imagine Arya is overly worried about her posthumous follow-up policies or that she’ll be tracking Tribute for any of the people on her list but Arya is efficient and subtle much like Configuration. And what do we say to the God of Bad Data? Not today.
"Lord" Varys: Wealth and Ratings
Even my little birds cannot find her.
As Master of Whispers, Varys’ power is in information and he keeps his edge but having just a bit more than everyone else around him. Wealth and Ratings and its tools would allow him to dig further into the many players of the great game and their supporters and detractors
Samwell Tarly: Import
These maesters... they set me to the task of preserving that man's window counting and annulments and bowel movements for all eternity.
There are points in the story where Sam finds himself faced with administrative and clerical challenges that are both tedious and detailed.  While Sam’s curious nature would have a field day with a lot of Raiser’s Edge’s analytical features I think he’d really appreciate being able to give his quill hand a rest. He’d probably appreciate anything that saved him time so he could dedicate more of his efforts to becoming one of those great men he’s read so much about.
Cersei Lannister: Global Tools
I killed your High Sparrow and all his little sparrows, all his septons, all his septas, all his filthy soldiers, because it felt good to watch them burn.
Another character who would appreciate the ability to make mass updates would be Cersei Lannister. While Sam’s tasks require nuance and a meticulous nature, Cersei appreciates a more direct approach. The Iron Bank of Braavos will agree, Cersei Lannister efficiently and ruthlessly addresses her challenges and something like Global Change would find a place in her court and on her Home page.
The Ravens: LO Integration

Those are my thoughts. What are yours?

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Bran Stark - Admin Features
He oversees and has access to almost everything.
The series did not come to an end, just the season.
These two would definitely be a part of my family:  Petyr "Little finger" Baelish: Queries and Export and Samwell Tarly: Import.   Can do without them. 
This is incredible. This blog post brilliantly highlights both Altru's functionality and the GOT character nuances. This made my day. Thank you, Matt!
