Last Week(s) in the Community

Just a little heads up on all the Altru community happenings in the last couple weeks, in case you were on a super sweet vacation or perhaps, have just returned from a super sweet vacation and had perhaps forgotten about your vacationless friends in the Altru community. Feel free to post pictures, so we can live vicariously through you. Hawaii folks, you can just show me your office view ;)

We started Altru chat two weeks ago; give it a try and let us know what you think. Good reviews so far!



We're also giving stuff away. Two contests to enter!

Enter our MVQ (Most Valuable Query) Contest

Let Jeff know what hardware you are using and be entered to win a mini ticket printer.
*Just to clarify, the printer is mini. Tickets are the normal size.



Sometimes process is part of the problem. We've got some fixes coming in the next release. Seeing too many zeros in group sales contracts is one of them.

Change is a problem sometimes. Check out our blogs on change management.

Can't edit the names on your membership cards? We're working on it.


Did you miss the 1st miniseries? Rachel will be uploading the video here. And be sure to sign up for the next 3 classes!

Leslie P sees dead people. Do you?

Pop quiz: which report will give you anyone who donated a certain amount in a specific period of time?



You guys want to add educational information about your constituents? +1 this idea or get in on the conversation with Jonathon.

We're doing discovery on merchandise. Sign up for a session with Jonathon here.

You guys know about the Donor List Smart Query? Rachel gives you the scoop.

Would you guys want to add text/images to your donation web form? Let us know by +1ing this topic or adding some details!


Social Connections

Let's talk about Corporate Memberships.

How do you guys track passes for a membership? Kestra could use your advice.

Giving the house away. What are your thoughts on $0 memberships?



And in champion related news:

Allison Pate is up to 53 stars.

Judith Rickard is moving her way up with 38.

As a side note, be sure to fill out your profile info. You can add your picture, organization, role, and more by hovering over your name at the top and selecting Profile Information. Changed my pic today; the husband told me my headphones looked a little hipster. Better? Your turn!

News ARCHIVED | Blackbaud Altru® Tips and Tricks 03/08/2013 11:12am EST

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