New Feature: Ticket Scanning Advancements

After releasing the ticket scanning feature last year, we received the following suggestion from Jason Sears, in the community:

Another feature that would help is a list of the last ten tickets scanned - it could scroll as additional tickets are scanned - that would give ticket takers something to look at to ensure each number is going in and being recorded. 

Excellent idea, Jason!


This is the new ticket scanning screen. We made the following enhancements to make scanning tickets even easier:

1. List of previous scans
If you are quickly scanning tickets, it could be easy to miss a ticket. This provides a quick reference for which tickets you have scanned.

2. Ticket number field now clears after a bad scan
Previously, when you scanned a “bad” ticket, the bad ticket number would remain in the ticket number field. We now clear this out after it has been submitted.

3. Clear button
Don’t have a keyboard handy? Skip the Backspace button altogether, by clearing the field using the Clear button.

Check out the rest of this week's release features on our Release Readiness page! You can connect with us on twitter - @bbsupport - or in the community.

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