It's Time To Recognize Your Superstars! How To Create Your Honor Roll List

The good news- the order you placed for Honor Student bumper stickers has finally arrived! The bad news- you’re not sure which students are supposed to receive a bumper sticker. We can find this out by using the Academic Achievement list Report in the Grade Reports section.

Before working with this report, make sure your performance category calculations have been run. For more information on running these calculations, see Line Up! It’s Time for Calculating Rank and Performance Categories.

Let’s work on creating that Honor Roll list, go to Reports--> Grade Reports--> Academic Achievement List and create a new parameter.  Select the school, academic year, session, and marking column you’re reporting on. You can report on more than one marking column at a time if you’d like but we’ll just stick with the Final marking column for our example.

Academic Achievement Report

In the Performance section, mark the performance category you’ve created for your honor roll and unmark any other performance categories that do not need to be included.

The Academic Achievement List also includes options to report on student ranks and GPAs and these options are turned on by default. If we leave these options turned on, all students with rank or GPA information will be included in the report but honors will only be listed for students who made the honor roll. We’re going to unmark these options for our example because we only want a list of honor students.

You can also filter the report to only include specific students on the Filters tab if needed.

On the Format tab we can adjust how the results are displayed in the Sort/Break section. To sort the results by grade level, we’ll select Student grade level first in the Sort by section. The mark the Break? option so the grade levels are separated within the report instead of one continuous list of students. Within the grade levels, we can also sort students alphabetically by selecting Student name next in the Sort by section. You can always play with the Sort/Break options to see what works best for you.

Academic Achievement Format tab

When previewing the report we can see students are separated by grade level and listed alphabetically with the performance category and performance level that they've achieved.

Results from Academic Achievement Report

Look at all those honor students! You may need more bumper stickers!

Remember that performance categories are just one of the features of this report. Keep it in mind next time you need to report on student ranks or GPAs!

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News Blackbaud K-12 Solutions™ Blog 09/15/2014 6:30am EDT

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