Class and Schedule Reports: How to print class rosters and student schedules


You’ve finalized all scheduling for the New Year, and now teachers are bombarding you with questions about which students will be in their classes next year. “How can I get this information to them?” you might ask. There is a handy class report for just that purpose!

This report can be found in Reports > Course/Class Reports > Class Report and will allow you to set up a class roster.  On the columns tab, you can select what information you would like to see on the report, such as Course ID, Course Name, Teacher, etc.


On this tab, you won’t see student name. There’s a trick to showing that information, and I’ll let you in on the secret! Go to the Format tab>highlight Detail and mark the option to Include students enrolled. You can also include meeting information by marking Include meetings and choose either Display All meeting times or First meeting only.


If you select the Sort/Break tab, you can choose to sort by teacher. If you mark the Break? check box, you can also mark Page break on each new teacher. This will allow you to print and easily distribute the class rosters to your teachers.


In addition to creating class rosters for teachers, you will also need to provide students with their schedules. There are two ways to access the student schedule report: Reports > Scheduling Reports > Schedules or Scheduling > Print Schedules.

On the General tab of the report, you will need to ensure that you select to print schedules for Students.


On the meetings tab you will need to select the school you are printing schedules for and group time by Period, Interval, or Block.


To choose what information to include in each cell on the grid that will print, you’ll need to go to Format > Detail. Here we have multiple options to choose from, like Course name, Classroom, and Teacher. You can also include additional information on the schedule, such as Grade level, Homeroom information, and Locker information.


Now that you have finished your scheduling, you can quickly and easily distribute class rosters and student schedules.

Have any tips on how you put together your schedules and rosters? Let me know in the comments below!

News Blackbaud K-12 Solutions™ Blog 08/05/2015 6:30am EDT

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Thanks for the information!


Benny Fuus Benny Fuus Nov '22

Thanks for the instruction. I love this website and the source , you guys help me to develop myself!
