Supplement Your “ON” Product Knowledge With K12 Videos! 4440

Supplement Your “ON” Product Knowledge With K12 Videos!


As part of the K12 User Education team, we pride ourselves on giving schools multiple ways to consume our content. The main way to reach our documentation and guides is through our full online site, though we also offer an in-product panel for when you need instant help while working.

To supplement our written content, we’re creating videos that cover a variety of topics and walkthroughs relating to Blackbaud’s K12 “ON” Products.

What kind of videos do we feature? Our video playlist began with the monthly release overview videos. These combination videos detail all of the new features and enhancements being added to the “ON” Products that month as well as also show off what it looks like and how it works.

Beyond that, we also have feature specific videos that provide a deep dive into a variety of K12 topics such as the onBoard/Smart Tuition integration, Gradebook improvements for onCampus, and much more.

What can I find the videos? The central location for our videos can be found on YouTube as part of the BlackbaudSupport Channel. While this channel is also the home for all Blackbaud’s line of products, you can select K12 from the Playlist channel option to only see videos related to the “ON” Products.

What if I can’t access YouTube? We understand that some schools can’t access YouTube, so we also utilize Wistia as an alternative method for watching our videos. This site is K12 specific, so users don’t need to filter or sort through other Blackbaud product videos.

As 2018 continues, we have plenty of videos coming down the road. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for all the latest video content as well as the K-12 community for our weekly blog posts and discussion topics. Next week we’ll be taking a look at our latest guide for onRecord Grading.

Hope to see you there!
News Blackbaud K-12 Solutions™ Blog 02/20/2018 11:44am EST

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This is great!  Thank you!
