Summer 2023 Blog Schedule (and Resources!) 9098

Summer 2023 Blog Schedule (and Resources!)


The summer is upon us! Let’s talk about upcoming content in the Blackbaud K–12 Solutions™ community throughout June, July, and August, and see the resources that can help you get ahead of the back-to-school season this summer.

The summer has finally arrived! This is the part where I would typically say something about how the blog will also be going on hiatus since schools are out. However, for those of you that were with us last year, you may have noticed that we didn’t really stick to that plan. Like many of you, things don’t always slow down for us just because it's the summer. The work doesn’t stop even though the classrooms are empty!

We’re always working here at Blackbaud, and the same rings true for summertime. So, while there may be a week or two here with seemingly less activity, the schedule is far busier than I’ve ever seen. That is excellent news for all of you.

We have some exciting things to share with you, though I don’t want to spoil the surprise right now. Of course, we’ll still be publishing our weekly “What’s New” release update every Monday, and you can be sure that the Monthly Recap blogs will continue to arrive on time at the start of each new month. Be sure to subscribe so you’ll be notified when our new posts go live over the summer months and beyond.

Additionally, if you'd like to be proactive during this downtime and make your back-to-school season more manageable, check out these resources:

So that’s our plan through the summer. I hope you continue to stop by during your much-deserved time off. Thank you to each and every one of you for stopping by and supporting the work we do here in the Community. Whether this is your first time at the blog or you’re someone who's here every week, we absolutely appreciate you and the feedback you provide.

Enjoy the break and the warmth! We’ll see you next week!
News Blackbaud K-12 Solutions™ Blog 06/20/2023 9:00am EDT

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