What’s New (September 2015) 408

What’s New (September 2015)

The September 18 release of Financial Edge NXT includes the following features and enhancements: 

Supported browsers
With this release, we added support for the Firefox browser. Financial Edge NXT now supports the following browsers:
  • Chrome
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Firefox
Note: To print reports in Firefox, you must install Adobe Reader and follow the steps under "Use a PDF Reader Plugin" on the Mozilla Firefox website.

Account, project, and grant tile enhancements
You can now drag and drop the information tiles on account, project, and grant records. This is helpful when you want to rearrange where the information displays on the page. We will add this same functionality to other record pages in upcoming releases. You can move the tiles using the anchor in the top right corner.

GL distribution enhancements
In the latest release, we made enhancements to how you add and edit distribution information on vendors and invoices. You now add new distribution rows from the top of the Distributions grid. To edit a distribution row, you simply select the account number to expand the row. You can also use the multi-select functionality to duplicate rows, or to delete all distribution rows at one time.
We will add these GL distribution enhancements to other records in upcoming releases.
News Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT® Blog 09/22/2015 7:58am EDT

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