Recent Discussions

Marcia Marino
Just found out that switching from Power Plan to Euna Budget is going to double in annual cost, not to mention the ...
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LaToya Streeter
Am I the only one having trouble viewing bank accounts in the Treasury module today? We have several bank accounts ...
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@LaToya Streeter
Oh, this was a big thing yesterday. Here is the post.

Amy Stitcher
I'm wondering if anyone else is having trouble getting responses from your account representative. I am new to my ...
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@Amy Stitcher Hi Amy! Can you PM me the name of your account representative that you are trying to reach? I'll double ...

Kelly Smith
Does anyone use Martus Solutions for budgeting? If so, I'd like to hear your feedback. Thanks.
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@Kelly Smith I have used Martus Solutions in the (very recent) past, but not with Blackbaud. It is a great tool and ...

Tari Kaufman
Ugh….we are seriously killing trees with these validation and posting reports! What was once 3-4 pages are now 34 ...
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@Tari Kaufman
on the validation / post parameter, which report ? standard or customized one that may include more ...