The Financial Post 9662

The Financial Post


Happy 4th of July!

Estimated read time: 4minutes 00 seconds

Hello and welcome to The Financial Post for July 2024!

On the first Thursday of every month, we bring you the latest Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT® news on everything from current projects and initiatives to release information and much more!

If you haven’t had a chance to read last month’s edition of The Financial Post, you can check it out here.

In This Issue
This month's post features these topics:

  • What’s New
  • What’s Next
  • General Ledger Records Webinar
  • Total Web Solution Journey
  • Stay in the Know

What’s New
We recently released several new features in Financial Edge NXT web view!

Manage international address. From General ledger, Settings, International addresses, you can add, edit, and delete countries; specify abbreviation and address formats; and choose to synchronize address fields.

GASB - Statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes report. This report provides a summary of your organization’s financial activity over a time period you select. It is much like a typical income statement, but it is pre-formatted with columns according to the GASB requirements.

Receipt report. You can now add and run the Receipt report for Payables! This report presents extended cost information versus actual cost information for line items received. This is an activity-based report and compares the line item extended cost to the receipt amount for each line item receipted in Accounts Payable

Requisition detail report. You can now add and run the Requisition detail report. This report lists subordinate line item detail for specified requisitions and periods of time. All totals are presented in terms of transaction totals and do not include outstanding balances.

The following features are currently in Limited Availability (LA) for some customers.:

  • Blackbaud Report Schedular – schedule and email reports in web view
  • View and run queries in web view!
  • Add and manage PO receipts
  • Expense management settings – add approval rule groups in web view
  • Manage bank group security and assign users in web view.
  • Manage signature security in web view.
  • Payables business rules and configuration
  • Manage account security
  • Manage project security
  • Add more line items
  • Import invoices

What’s Next
We are currently working on several features and enhancements for Financial Edge NXT web view. Here are some of the updates you will see in upcoming releases:

  • Import
  • Payables reports
  • PO reports
  • Payables business rules and configuration
  • Expense management approval rule groups
  • Manage bank group security and assign users
  • Manage signature security in web view
  • Manage account and project security in web view
  • Blackbaud Report Schedular
  • Receivables
    • Manage client lists and records
    • Manage charge lists and records
    • Manage credit lists and records
    • Manage and edit payment lists and records
    • Manager general, aging info, and payment term settings

General Ledger Records Webinar
Register here for our July 24, 3:00-4:00 PM EDT, as we discuss best practices for managing your account, project, and grant records.

During this session, we will review how to:

  • Capture important data with unique account, project, and grant records
  • Manage detailed account records, including notes, actions, defaults, and associated projects and grants
  • View actual vs. budgeted amounts by project, grant, or other elements within the account
  • Simplify the auditing and reconciliation process with the ability to drill down into transaction detail from the activity tab on each record
  • Protect confidential data by leveraging Advanced Security permissions

Total Web Solution Journey
As Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT shifts to a total web solution, we're moving the following features from database view exclusively to web view over the next several months:

Since we release in waves, you may receive the updates immediately or in a future release. To track details and timelines, bookmark the Total Web Solution page.

NOTE: To keep you informed of upcoming changes, we will periodically display a Review total web solution features screen when you log in to Financial Edge NXT listing upcoming features that are moving to web view.

Stay in the Know
Thirsty for more Financial Edge NXT knowledge? Here are some of the best ways to learn more about what's coming:
  • Community Announcements. The Community is a great way to stay informed. Subscribe to Financial Edge NXT Community Announcements by clicking on the "Subscribe" link at the top of this blog. You can then select how often you want to receive update notifications.
  • Release Updates. Check out What's Recent, What's New, and What's Next to get all the details on prior, current, and future releases. To help keep you up to date on the most recent developments, What's New automatically opens when you log in to the web view.
  • In-Product Help. Help documentation throughout Financial Edge NXT is context-sensitive. So, no matter where you are in the solution, you can click the bright green question mark at the top right of your screen to get help for that feature.
  • Product Update Briefings (PUB). Check out the most recent Financial Edge NXT PUB, now on demand, to hear from our product management team directly on the latest and upcoming development for Financial Edge NXT!
News Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT® Blog 07/04/2024 8:28am EDT

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