Hi! I’m new here.
My marketing manager who designed the campaigns was furloughed. Our development associate has been let go and he was the only one with an admin account for peer-to-peer fundraising. The leader who selected Blackbaud Peer-to-Peer Fundraising™, powered by JustGiving™ is no longer on staff and we need to teach a volunteer how to help run our DIY campaigns. What is available to us so we can get up and running as quickly as humanly possible?!
Unfortunately, I am hearing this a lot. In these uncertain times, we are adjusting to a new normal and for some, that is undergoing a big shift in not only how we do things but who does the things. If this is you, your team, your nonprofit, know we are here to help. We have your back and in just a few minutes, you can not only be up and running, but we hope you also have the confidence to move forward and do the next best thing for your mission.
Oh! And if you are new here- Drop a hello below! We would love to meet you.
The Blackbaud Peer-to-Peer Fundraising™, powered by JustGiving™ Kickstart Checklist
- Log in to your charity account. Don’t have an administrator log in? Either ask one of your colleagues who does have access to invite you or if the only admin(s) are gone, contact Customer Support and they can help.
- Watch the Introduction to Blackbaud Peer-to-Peer Fundraising, powered by JustGiving and orient yourself with the product and it’s capabilities.
- Get involved in the community (spoiler alert- you are already here- well done!). Especially if you do not have someone in the office to roll your chair to and brainstorm with. Lean on our digital network of your peers, for tips, tricks and advice.
- Learn the basics of peer-to-peer fundraising. Spend an hour with us and get acquainted with this modern form of community engagement.
- Learn how Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound made the switch to a virtual event
- Get inspired for P2P use cases or invite your supporters to create personal pages with ideas that excite them.
- Continue gathering information- Join us for free webinars where you can learn more about the product and the P2P space.
- Start raising money! It is easy to allow other priorities to stack up. Don't delay your online collections because you take no action. Simply promote ways to fundraise as individuals on your website and newsletters as your next best step. Read how here or watch our on-demand webinar, How to Generate Peer-to-Peer Fundraising with No Money and No Time.
Oh! And if you are new here- Drop a hello below! We would love to meet you.
News JustGiving® from Blackbaud® Blog
05/19/2020 10:33am EDT
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