Welcome to JustGiving® from Blackbaud


JustGiving is the world's most trusted platform for online giving. We help people raise money for the charities and people they care about the most and we're enormously proud to have helped people in almost every single country in the world raise billions of dollars for good causes since we were founded in 2000.


Set Up Your Account

Getting started with JustGiving is easy. Most users gain access to their account within a few days and can create their first campaign within 15 minutes or less. Watch how to set up your JustGiving Account or download our checklist.

Implementing Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT® with JustGiving® from Blackbaud®? Check out our blog post so you know what to expect.

New Account Onboarding Session

During your initial account setup, you gain access to JustGiving's administrative console to select your payment processing option and personalize the account for your charity or nonprofit. Follow along in this blog post.


Check out this new on-demand onboarding webinar

Start Fundraising

The possibilities are endless on JustGiving. Even those with no coding or web experience can easily publish a branded campaign to start raising money for an event, fund, program, giving day and more. Take a look at the Anatomy of a Campaign Page and Asset Checklist  or join an educational webinar.

If you need some inspiration, download our free Idea Calendar for seasonal and holiday-inspired concepts, as well as examples of custom experiences you can offer your fundraisers and donors.

Make it a Smashing Success

Now that you have created your campaign, the next step is to share it far and wide to encourage supporters to get involved as fundraisers and donors. We invite you to explore the many additional free resources we offer to promote and market your event as well as smart ways to support your fundraisers so, they can meet their goals. Don’t forget to check out the Blog for ongoing resources and advice to achieve fundraising success.

Integrate your Data

Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT

Blackbaud eTapestry®


Get Help When You Need It

Our award-winning technical support team is here to assist with your how-to questions. Have your Blackbaud log in ready and chat with Support. Analysts are available from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET Monday-Friday.

Unable to see chats or don’t have a login to blackbaud.com?

Important Resources

Blackbaud Knowledgebase
Blackbaud Knowledgebase is a searchable help section that provides answers to our most frequently asked questions. 

Tips and Tricks
The Tips and Tricks tab in our community also includes a handful of guides to optimizing your JustGiving solution including recommendations for improving your email deliverability, creative ways to use the product and efficient use cases.

Here’s the fun part. Need some inspiration for a new campaigns?  Can’t seem to get your recruitment strategy right?  Thinking about leveraging JustGiving for your #GivingTuesday appeal?  Spend some time perusing our blog and we’re sure you’ll step away with a few new ideas and few new tricks up your sleeve.