We want YOU to sign up for Product Discovery!

We’ve recently made improvements to the Product Discovery process so that you’ll always know which topics are in discovery, and so you can be notified when new subjects are added.

The Product Discovery process is an important way for you to express your organization’s needs for CRM.  It allows us an opportunity to learn about problems you have that we can solve for you, and helps us determine how our product will grow and develop.

We have added a brand new page to the CRM Resource Center that lists all available Discovery sessions, so that you can keep track and participate.  From the home page, just go to Events > Product Discovery.  The CRM Product Management team personally updates this board every time they set up new topics, so you’ll always have the latest and greatest news!

Tired of having to go back and check for updates regularly?  We’ve solved that problem too!  Now, you can subscribe to the Product Discovery board by clicking Options > Subscribe.  That way, you’ll receive an email notification (to your Blackbaud.com login email) any time we add a new post.  You’ll be able to follow the link in the email to check out the new topic, and sign up for a session if the topic is relevant to you!

Sign up now and help us chart the course for the future of Blackbaud CRM!

Product Discovery Subscribe

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