What's Upcoming in Raiser's Edge NXT


One of the great features of Raiser's Edge NXT is that it updates every week with great new features and enhancements. Every once in a while, tho, it's good to take a breather to make sure an update provides value and positively impacts your experience. This week is one of those breathers. However, just so you don't walk away empty-handed, here's a sneak peek at what new features and enhancements are on the horizon.

Unassigned Constituents list. The relationships your organization's fundraisers have with constituents contributes largely to the success of your mission (and drives a lot of the power in Raiser's Edge NXT!). To help you easily identify active constituents who aren't currently assigned to a fundraiser, you'll soon be able to refer to an automatically generated Unassigned constituents list. From this list, you'll be able to quickly consider criteria such as address, giving, and wealth ratings to determine who should handle each relationship and make those assignments — either one-off or multiple-at-once — from one central location.

Alerts. To give reminders or special instructions to someone about a constituent's record, you'll be able set alerts to appear in the profile information. For example, you can set an alert as a reminder to not update the record without first letting the assigned fundraiser know or with instructions to handle a high-priority donor with care. When you set an alert, you'll be able to choose whether it appears automatically whenever someone opens the record.

Proposal custom fields. With Prospect Research Management, you use proposals to track and plan efforts to cultivate a constituent relationship and major gift opportunity. In a future release, you'll be able to add and manage custom fields to save specialized information not already tracked on a proposal's record — such as for internal tracking — directly through the web interface.

These are just a sample of the new features and enhancements coming soon to Raiser's Edge NXT! Stay tuned!

For more details about what's upcoming for Raiser's Edge NXT, check out the Roadmap Session scheduled for May 20.
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 05/18/2015 4:12pm EDT

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As a reminder, if you're curious about what's upcoming in Raiser's Edge NXT, there's a roadmap session scheduled for tomorrow, sure to provide some good insight into what's on deck. You can register here: https://community.blackbaud.com/events/item/3/44.
Thanks for the great questions! Daysi: These features should be arriving soon (as in very). Things are always subject to change, but expect most (if not all) in the next update. Jennifer: Very sharp! Alerts in NXT will appear as annotations in the database view (and vice versa). Business Rules are yet-to-come. Thanks again!
When should we expect this happening?
Jen Claudy Jen Claudy May '15
Will Annotations in RE:7 automatically become Alerts in RE:NXT (and vice versa once Alerts start to be entered into RE:NXT)? And will Alerts also encompass Business Rules or are those yet-to-come?
