Recent Discussions

Cathi Christopher
Has anyone experienced trouble with a donation link not working when multiple people are trying to use it at the ...

@Cathi Christopher - Is the donation form embedded on a website or are donors accessing the form through the URL ...

Gayle Bendoris
Hello, Does anyone know the best way to import constituents invited to an event? Thanks! Gayle

@Gayle Bendoris Truthfully, what tool is best depends upon what information you have available to you and what ...

Shelley Bell
Good Friday morning…. We have been using NXT donation forms for almost a year and have converted all of our manual ...

@Shelley Bell I don't know if the process needs to change much more. Unless your volume of gifts exploded, then even ...

Stacy Schafer
Hi - we are just starting with NXT after Online Express and are confused why the instant Thank You letter and the ...

@Stacy Schafer Are the gifts being included in the Gift Receipting option (under Gift Management in web view)? ...

Jolynn Uyehara
Has anyone else noticed there was a change in the constituent summary tile? I can't seem to figure out exactly what ...

@Jolynn Uyehara
What I can tell from our data is that fields and data from the Bio2 tab now show up that wasn't there ...

Daniel Wallach
I understand that there are actual differences between these practically, but for internal purposes as a ...

@Daniel Wallach We differentiate at the orgs I have been at.

Certainly not the most important field on a gift entry. ...

Stacy Schafer
Hi - what is the reasoning behind having the payment information on a 2nd page of the RE NXT standard donation form? ...

@Stacy Schafer If you're able to go to bbcon, I would pose this question to the team representing Online Giving in RE ...

Miki Martin
I thought this was going to be a bit simpler than I am finding. I have a list of over 300 funds with no easy way to group ...

@Miki Martin
I don't believe there's an easy way to get exactly the report you want. I do not use various canned ...

Violet Karcher
We're working on a Workflow campaign in NXT for first-time donors, but we want to exclude constituents who gave ...

@Violet Karcher
Workaround - create list in db view and use that list in web view for the workflow. ??

Anne Komer
How do your frontline fundraisers make calls to donors? I'm hoping to find solutions to improve our process for ...

@Anne Komer
not sure exactly what you are looking for.

By default RE NXT function, if you go to the constituent page ...

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