Recent Discussions
@Megan Unrau I haven't seen it yet in the US either.

@Lena Payne They correspond to the type of record that the tables are found. For instance, some are custom fields ...

@Meghan Henson Hi! I moved this discussion from Altru to Raiser's Edge NXT. Thanks!
@Jennifer DePardo I have had one client do it, but it certainly required a great deal of work arounds to obtain all of ...
@Danielle Repic Wouldn't that be awesome - I did a quick search in the idea bank and didn't find an idea. If you add ...
@Claudia A Alvarez
When you created your gift list what did you select for receipt status? Did you include “do not ...

@Paul Stankus my org doesn't use NXT donation forms but my understanding is for the Optimized Donation Forms they ...

@Sheri Yanik Is it a split gift, or is there an adjustment?

@Lance Seagle For new constituents created via webview, there are no defaults to add specific name format fields ...

@Drakea Brehon
Apology, didn't pay attention that you are not talking about RE, deleted my previous post
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