Make Records in Raiser's Edge NXT Your Own 186

Make Records in Raiser's Edge NXT Your Own

Records in Raiser's Edge NXT, such as for constituents and proposals, are chock-full of information, providing a central overview of everything you need to know. As you learn more about a constituent, or as you follow a proposal effort from Identification to Solicitation and Stewardship, its record may become robust with a wealth of valuable details. To help cut through any information overload, you can easily customize your records to focus on what really matters to you.

To prioritize information and front-load the record with what you really care about, move the tiles by their anchors (in their upper right corners) to wherever you want them. To hide information you don't need, simply collapse tiles to cut out the noise (and move them to the bottom of the record for good measure!). If you need to later refer to information, you can simply expand its tile again.

You can also set up records on your mobile devices differently than for your desktop. For example, maybe your focus is on a constituent's giving or related notes and actions when you're at your desk, but on your phone you want their summary and its contact information front-and-center. Once you set up records how you want them for each device, Raiser's Edge NXT remembers your preferences and organizes all records of the same type the same way. Make yourself at home with your records, set them how you like and forget it!
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 05/22/2015 10:14am EDT

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