What's New In Raiser's Edge NXT The Week Of January 10 3086

What's New In Raiser's Edge NXT The Week Of January 10


To help you get more out of your fundraising efforts, Raiser's Edge NXT recently updated with some nifty enhancements to campaigns, funds, and appeals!

c4f4d687f9138f754ce0251cd70e9aa1-huge-paView packages for appeals. To help acquire gifts, your organization may target recipients of an appeal with different versions — or packages — of content and items. On an appeal's record, you can now view these versions under Packages. For each package, you can view details such as how many people were solicited. For more information, see Appeal Records Help.

Manage custom fields for campaigns, funds, and appeals. On the record of a campaign, fund, or appeal, you can now add and manage specialized information — such as whether an appeal only targets major donors — under Custom fields. (In the database view, this information appears as attributes.) For more information, check out the Custom Fields Help.

c952855b7747518c326e3b3476fd0d10-huge-cfView fundraisers for campaigns, funds, and appeals. To help secure gifts, your organization may assign people to manage fundraising efforts. On the record of a campaign, fund, or appeal, you can now view who's assigned to it — and how much money they should raise — under Fundraisers. For more information, see Fundraisers Help.

For more information about the details you can track and analyze about your fundraising efforts, see the Campaign Records Help, Fund Records Help, and Appeal Records Help.

For more details about these new features, or to catch up on previous releases, check out the What's New Help and What's Recent Help. Enjoy!

News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 01/10/2017 1:31pm EST

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