What's Newer: Automatically Sign Out After 90 Minutes Of Inactivity 4964

What's Newer: Automatically Sign Out After 90 Minutes Of Inactivity

b8502a1bcd70ef36afc9a3db4c640a70-huge-raTo help protect sensitive data but still enable you to multi-task or take time for deliberate decisions in Raiser's Edge NXT, your Blackbaud ID now automatically signs out of the web view after 90 minutes of inactivity. When you "passively" use Raiser's Edge NXT, such as to review a constituent's record with another fundraiser or coordinate your upcoming actions, you'll receive a heads up a couple minutes beforehand and can choose to keep working. Previously, your Blackbaud ID automatically signed out after 15 minutes of inactivity. 
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 08/29/2018 1:06pm EDT

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This brings to mind the words of that great mind, Mario: "Wahoo!!"
Love, love, love this. Makes a HUGE difference in productivity!
Great news Steve! I know this is something many organizations using Raiser's Edge NXT have been asking for! Cheers!
