What's New In Raiser's Edge NXT For The US: Online Ask Amounts! 5192

What's New In Raiser's Edge NXT For The US: Online Ask Amounts!


To help determine how much to ask a constituent for through email communications and online donation forms, Target Analytics uses advanced predictive analytics to provide a suggested range of low, medium, and high ask amounts — such as $25-$50-$75 or $100-$150-$250 — for donor's next gifts. In a list of constituents, those in the United States can now filter records based on this suggested online ask amount. 

e86dcf706b1ff8bda6ba58e9f27e2629-huge-onTo filter a constituent list based on their suggested online ask amount, select Filters, Wealth & ratings, and then, under Online ask amount, choose the applicable ask amount, and select Apply filters.
  • To include constituents with no suggested ask amount, select No amount assigned.
  • To include constituents based on their ask amount, choose whether to consider their Low, Medium, or High ask amount, and enter the amount to include, such as Greater than or equal to $100 or Between $50 and 150.
To help ensure Target Analytics can suggest online ask amounts, ensure your constituents' records have their complete and accurate names — including any suffixes— and mailing addresses. For more information, see the Online Ask Amounts Help.

With Wealth Analytics, Target Analytics also provides suggested minimum and maximum ask amounts for a constituent's annual giving. For more information, see the Blackbaud NXT Ratings Help.

For more information about the newest features, or to catch up on releases, check out the What's New Help and What's Recent Help. Enjoy!
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 11/13/2018 2:59pm EST

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I love how automation and analytics improve your workflow and raise more funds!  
I'd like to follow-up to Mira's question. I was pretty excited to see this until I realized that it isn't incorporated with Online Express. While it is possible to create segmented lists from with NXT, save them to the database view, create Online Express emails for each segment (with donation forms for each segment if you like), and finally new OLX lists from the database queries, that is FAR more than I have the bandwidth to manage. All I was hoping for was the ability to merge the suggested ask into the email. Is there anything like in development? 
Can you connect this with an online express donation form and email? Will the gift amounts shift automatically in the donation form? Or do you have to set up a donation form for each segment of gift levels?
Hey Therese! The online ask amounts aren't available in the database view, but you can export them to a CSV from a constituent list in the web view when you include the new 'Online ask amount' column. Thanks!
Can you export these fields from the database view?
