Communication Preferences, Consent, And Solicit Codes: Now And In The Future 5588

Communication Preferences, Consent, And Solicit Codes: Now And In The Future

Today, on a constituent's record, you can track how and whether they want to receive communications as either consent records or communication preferences.  
  • Under Consent, you can manage which types of communications and channels a constituent has opted in or out of. For example, a constituent may prefer to receive all communications through email, or event invitations by mail and only newsletters through email. 
  • Under Communication preferences, you can manage specific rules of contact with the constituent, such as to not call after 8:00 p.m. or on weekends. If you're familiar with database view terminology, you may also know these as solicit codes.
However, we've heard from you that the management of these preferences, while powerful and flexible, can be confusing. As you may've seen during our recent Roadmap updates, we're hard at work building a new model to help capture and manage your constituents' communication preferences in a more intuitive and less ambiguous way. 
What's changing right now?  
In the coming weeks, communication preferences in the web view will become solicit codes.
  • On a constituent record, you'll manage these preferences under Solicit codesnot Communication preferences.
  • On a constituent list, you'll use Marketing filters records based on their solicit codes, not communication preferences. 
Note that this is purely a terminology change; all functionality remains the same for the time being. Not only does this match how these preferences appear in the database view, but it'll also help distinguish them from the enhanced communication preference tracking coming further down the road. After this change, communication preferences will no longer be synonymous with solicit codes.
What's coming down the road? 
As mentioned, we're building improved communication preference tracking for your constituents. In the future, you'll be able to manage enhanced, cross-channel preferences under Communication and data preferences (rather than Consent). With these new communication preferences, you'll be able to:
  • Track when constituents grant or revoke consent for communication and data processing.
  • Record specific choices your organization makes regarding whether, how, and about what topics to communicate with constituents.
  • Eliminate the need to use solicit codes (which have a tendency to be ambiguous and inefficient).
If your organization relies heavily on solicit codes today, don't worry! We know that the transition to using this new model will take some time, so solicit codes won't be going anywhere right away. However, we believe that the enhancements we're building will give you a far superior model for managing these preferences. When you can track more specific data about how constituents want to be communicated with, you can connect with them more effectively and expect higher engagement. 
Want to learn more about what's new and coming soon to Raiser's Edge NXT? Tune in to our Roadmap Webinars, where experts from our product development team recap what we've been working on over the past few months and share exciting details about updates coming your way. 
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 04/24/2019 10:27am EDT

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I think people have always had their own preferences and attitudes in communication, and this will not change in the future. Each person is unique and can be comfortable in different situations and with different types of communication. I recently read about nonverbal communication by the way, you can check this and learn about it. It's also an interesting way. There is also one downside in the future these codes may change or become obsolete, but there will always be some general rules and expectations to help people understand how best to behave in different situations.

Thanks for the update Michelle! Cannot wait for this to become a reality!
Hi Kathleen Eastman‍ and JR Barden‍ - Sorry for our delay in getting back to your questions! A more robust communication preference center will be coming that you will be able to set up based on channels and categories. This will allow your constituent to tell you on a more granular level about what they want to hear from you on an online form and not just a global opt out option. We are hard at work at all of this functionality and hope to release the first version of this as soon as possible. It is a major priority for us but a large amount of complex work that we are working through. 
JR Barden JR Barden Jun '19
This blog was posted back on April 24, 2019.  Where is Blackbaud on enhanced communication and data preferences?  When our folks unsubscribe to an appeal, they unsubscribe from anything we are sending out that is not fundraising as well, like newsletters and events.   Our email list is quickly dwindling down and we won't be able to recover them.

Is there any priority to this gigantic issue???
This sounds great. I'm curious if this new platform will also have the ability for us to include these preferences as an add on to our email communications in OLX as well as NXT, where constituent's preferences/consents will be downloaded into their record. Will these preferences be integrated with the current Opt-in form in OLX so that folks can opt-in to specific types of communication, and likewise, if they opt-out, will there be a form where they can opt-out of specific types of communication so when they opt-out, the system doesn't exclude them from all email communication?
I agree!
Yeah! It's confusing when the terms aren't the same in both the data base and web views. 
Dan Snyder Dan Snyder Apr '19
Maybe change all the terminology to match in both systems? Less confusion = happy users :)
