Birthday Cards and Insight Designer 5613

Birthday Cards and Insight Designer

I don’t much like birthday cards.

It’s not that I’m cheap, it’s just that I don’t find them that meaningful. Why would I pay for the privilege of saying someone else’s words? I want the people in my life to know how I feel about them—and, for me, that means the words can only come from one place.

I have similar thoughts about insights in Raiser’s Edge NXT. I could work to fit my needs into pre-configured insights and reports, but sometimes I’d rather just create my own. That’s the whole point of our newest course, Building Custom Reports. In it, you’ll learn how to use Insight Designer to create custom insights for your organization.

Go ahead and register for this course today. Even if it isn’t your birthday, learning how to use Insight Designer might just be the best present of all.
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 04/25/2019 9:00am EDT

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Just to make sure I'm seeing this correctly Kody, but the Insight Designer goes along with Analysis/Report Builder in NXT and is an addition service, correct?

And, Mark, We do an automated birthday e-mail that goes out to donors and alumni. The alumni version asks "what are you up to now" to help us identify graduates who may be able to help us advance our mission at the college.

Brian Hedden
Trident Technical College
Development Database Coordinator

I'm glad we can customize the reports and will look into this course offering.
Howdy Mark,

The birthday card part is more of a rhetorical lead-in to talking about Insight Designer. I'd suggest moving your question to a different area of the NXT community to get a better answer.

Though I did also find this article about using NetCommunity to send email message. Hopefully that helps!
We capture DOB for constituents when possible but really don't do anything with them. Does anyone use them to send birthday greetings? Does anyone use them to segment mailings/emailings or in some unique way that is working for them. I'd be curious to know.
