What's New In Raiser's Edge NXT The Week of February 18 6497

What's New In Raiser's Edge NXT The Week of February 18


This week, Raiser's Edge NXT announces that new options for how to handle deceased constituents are generally available. Also, it introduces a new display setting for insights in Report builder and improvements for those with Donation form designer.  

Update constituent and widowed spouse information for deceased individuals (now generally available). To help prioritize fundraising efforts and avoid awkward interactions, you can mark a constituent or related contact as deceased when they pass away.

On a constituent record, select Mark as, Deceased to update information for an individual. Under Obituary, you can now attach a file, such as a PDF of the constituent's obituary. You can also change a widow or widower to a constituent and choose their affiliation with your organization and any start and end dates as necessary. For more information, see Deceased Individuals.

Also, to ensure consistency throughout your database, admins can now set rules for how Raiser's Edge NXT should handle constituent records, and the records of their spouses, when you mark a person as deceased. For more information, see Deceased Individuals Settings.

Design insights as combo charts. When you design an insight in Analysis, Report builder, you can now choose to display its data as a combo chart. A combo chart combines two types of charts — column, area, or line — into a single insight. For example, you can compare performance against a target or two measures with different value ranges.

4b17a7664f96a33edfe17bdfaf572d40-huge-coTo design a combo chart, select Combo chartcombo-chart-icon.png and add one measure to the Measures (as columns) box. Then, add an attribute under View by. This creates a basic chart. To add the comparison layer, add another measure to the Measures (as lines) box. The two measures overlay in the insight. To change the type of chart for each measure, select the menu combo-chart-hamburger.png for the measure and choose whether you want that measure to appear as a column, line, or area chart.

After you save a combo chart, you can add it to your dashboard. For more information, see Insight Types.

Add organization gift options to donation forms (for those with Donation forms). To enable businesses and other organizations to support your online giving initiatives, add the Organization gift component to your donation forms. You can track the organization’s donation in Gift management and their relationship with the person who gave on their behalf under Relationships on their constituent records. From Tools, Donation form designer, add or edit a donation form. Under Form, select Constituent and gift fields in Form designer, and move Organization gift to a location on the form. For information, see Donation Form Constituent and Gift Fields.

Configure when first recurring gift payments process for donation forms (for those with Donation forms). Now, you have the flexibility to choose whether first recurring gift payments process immediately or on the date donors choose when they submit the form. Previously, first recurring gift payments always processed immediately, regardless of the starting date set by donors. To configure when first payments process, from Tools, Donation form designer add or edit a donation form.

Under Form, select Click to edit on the gift options and select when to process first payments under First recurring payment will process. For more information, see Donation Form Gift Options.
Improvements to donation forms (for those with Donation forms). To accurately represent the data that appears for overall donation form performance, and to match the text for the same data on individual forms, updated labels appear for the tracking metrics under Tools, Donation form designer. For example, to better represent the number of donations submitted through the checkout process, Actions is now Donations for Conversion rate.74602a51819aeb2a72e366a852f6a40f-huge-do

Also, additional information is available when you view details for individual forms, such as Donation type under Recent donations. To view a specific form's cumulative performance, from Tools, Donation form designer, select the donation form. For more information, see Donation Form Details.

News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 02/18/2020 1:33pm EST

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Hi Anne Monell - Thanks so much for the feedback! To submit your suggestion to our Product Management team, I suggest you enter it as an idea here in the Community: https://community.blackbaud.com/products/raisersedgenxt/ideas. 
Thank you for making it possible to update a spouse record for a deceased individual, however, could the Obituary information be a Note field rather than uploading a file? We copy and paste obituaries from an online legacy website, we don't create a document that then has to be uploaded, that is too cumbersome! It would be great to copy and paste obituary information instead. Otherwise we will stick to copying obits into the Notes area.
