What's New in Raiser's Edge NXT - December 14 8109

What's New in Raiser's Edge NXT - December 14


This week, Raiser's Edge NXT introduces the ability to enter payment details when you automate manual recurring gifts paid by credit card. Also, for events, the database view more accurately reflects RSVP responses that are saved in web view.

Add or update payment details when you automate recurring gifts

To help you automate more recurring payments, you can now enter payment details when you automate manual recurring gifts paid by credit card. This enhancement enables you to:

  • Automate recurring gifts that don't have a payment token on record, such as those that originated from a third party system. Previously, if a gift didn't have a valid payment token, it wasn't eligible to be converted.

    Note: To protect sensitive information, credit card numbers are stored as encrypted tokens in Blackbaud Payment Services, which are referenced for future payments.

  • Update payment details at the time you convert the gift. Previously, you needed to convert the gift first, then amend payment information from the gift record.

To automate a recurring gift, from the top of the gift record, select Convert to automated recurring gift. Select the payment configuration to process future payments, then enter credit card details. When finished, select Convert to convert the gift.

For more information, see Automate Manual Recurring Gifts.

Improved event RSVP responses

Now when participants RSVP for events, the database view more accurately reflects the responses saved in web view. Specifically, when a participant’s response is Declined or Canceled in web view, the value of the Registered field in the database view is now Do not register. Previously, Declined and Canceled appeared as Not registered, so follow up lists created in the database view included people who had already declined or canceled.

Note: This update only applies to responses added after December 13, 2021.

For more information, see RSVP Status.

News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 12/14/2021 4:00pm EST

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