What's New In Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® — April 2nd 9499

What's New In Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® — April 2nd


Here are the latest changes in Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® for April 2nd, 2024.

  • Blackbaud AI Acknowledgements (for some of you)

Blackbaud AI Acknowledgements (for some of you)
Blackbaud AI Acknowledgements is a new tool that helps you create unique, personalized email donor acknowledgement messages in almost no time at all.

With AI Acknowledgements, you can:
  • Send a unique, personalized acknowledgement to each donor for each gift. No matter how many acknowledgements you send to a single donor, the message is different each time.
  • Set the tone, determine what types of gift information to include in the acknowledgement, and even how the message appears.
  • Create profiles to further customize the message your donors receive, ensuring that the content is tailored to reflect the specific donation amount, a specific campaign or fundraising event, or even for specific fundraisers.
  • Send the messages individually or process them in bulk.
  • Review copies of the acknowledgements, which are saved as an action on the constituent's record.

Access AI Acknowledgements from Fundraising, Gift acknowledgement.

For more information, see AI Acknowledgements and Get started with AI Acknowledgements.
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 04/02/2024 3:00pm EDT

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I checked out the link…

Note: Don't see this? If all goes well based on feedback and usage, expect its wider release in a future update.

I don't see the AI acknowledgements or Artificial intelligence role under Security Roles. Has this not been released to everyone in the US yet?

AI Acknowledgments is currently being released in waves. If you don't see any updates, you'll receive them in a future wave. We've updated the posted to reflect that. Thanks!

Why do I feel (or wouldn't be shocked if) this was an April Fool's Day post that was published on the wrong day due to ongoing issues with the gmail integration (and calendar) to NXT? ?

I do not see it unless I am just not able to find what it falls under
