Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT®: Enhanced Tribute Capabilities in Web View (Global) 9822

Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT®: Enhanced Tribute Capabilities in Web View (Global)


As part of our ongoing effort to fully transition workflows to web view, we have released enhanced constituent and gift tribute capabilities in web view. To learn more about this upgraded functionality in web view, be sure to join us for the Raiser’s Edge NXT Product Update Briefing the week of November 11, 2024.

Tributes are an essential part of giving diversity, offering a meaningful way to honor a special person, date, or occasion. Whether celebrating milestones or commemorating important relationships, tributes create a profound connection between donors and the causes that they care about, adding an extra layer of significance to their generosity.

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The ability to add, edit and view tribute information is now operational in web view. Under each constituent record, there is a new Tribute tile where you can manage tributes associated with the donor.


When you click on + Add tribute, you can fill out the detailed information needed to save the tribute to the record. You will be prompted to choose the type of tribute, add a description, set the applicable fund, and specify the acknowledgee. Please note that in web view, you are not required to check a box to define the honor/memorial acknowledgee.


Currently, you can review how many gifts apply to a tribute, per constituent, in web view through the honor/memorial report. We plan to introduce gift list functionality for easier access on the constituent record. Once saved, the tribute will appear on the constituent record under the Tribute tile with all relevant information.


It will also be displayed under Giving History on the constituent record. Here, you can mark the tribute as acknowledged, along with the date. Note that the tribute type will automatically default to the type assigned when the gift was entered.


Once saved, the tribute will remain on the constituent record with no further action required.


Tributes play a crucial role in end-of-year giving, particularly during impactful campaigns like GivingTuesday. Incorporating tributes into year-end campaigns and GivingTuesday appeals can enable stronger relationships with existing donors while also building connections with new supporters.

We look forward to supporting your continued progress in creating impact for your mission. Be sure to join us during the week of November 11, 2024, for the Raiser’s Edge NXT Product Update Briefing to learn more about our strategic vision for web view gift management workflows.

News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 10/30/2024 1:05pm EDT

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Can you add the tribute when adding a gift via a gift batch?

I cannot wait to have this capability in our system.

This is now available worldwide. Enjoy!

This is a great step forward!

I do not know if I will be able to attend any briefings on this functionality, so I have a few follow up questions….

  • You will be prompted to choose the type of tribute, add a description, set the applicable fund,”

    I don't believe this has much impact, since the Fund selected on the gift at the point of entry will override anything on the Tribute record. Could you provide a scenario where adding the Fund to the tribute record would be useful? I have always told customers to ignore it, but if there is strategic value I am open to hearing it!

  • “Please note that in web view, you are not required to check a box to define the honor/memorial acknowledgee.”

    Just to clarify, it sounds like the tribute tile simply shows anyone who is a relationship on the tribute's record. Does it show constituents as well as non-constituents?

  • It will also be displayed under Giving History on the constituent record. Here, you can mark the tribute as acknowledged, along with the date.”

    Please provide clarification about the “mark the tribute as acknowledged” status. Does this mean that the donor has been acknowledged for the gift, or does it mean that the acknowledgee has been sent a notification? This is critical, and I can see that there could be a lot of confusion over this.

Thank you!

Fund - This field is the same as the “default fund” listed on the constituent record in database view. It will default to records created to associated tribute gifts.

honor/memorial checkbox - This field is unrelated to the acknoledgees setup. The honor/memorial checkbox was needed previously to mark the record as available to be assigned a tribute. We removed the requirement to have this checkbox and you are now able to select any record to tribute and we will mark this option on the backend automatically. The tribute acknowledgees do need to be a constituent record, this is the same as database view today.

Acknowledged tribute - This notation is for the gift tribute itself and not for the specific acknowlegees. The label on the tile for the gift tribute is setup on the gift tribute and it is the same field we had in database view.

For the most part, the workflow is exactly the same as it always was. We did remove the requirement for the honor/memorial checkbox as stated above, we also eliminated some redundant fields to make the form more easy to use, but the workflow has not changed for those familiar with how RE7 has worked.

Fund has been useful for us on tributes because our process is to attach the tribute to a gift in the batch before filling in fund, so that we don't have to remember what each particular celebrant would like to support.
