What's New In Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® — February 4, 2025 9949

What's New In Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® — February 4, 2025


Here are the latest changes in Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT for February 4, 2025.

  • Access feature areas from left hand navigation (for some of you)
  • More enhancements to merge duplicate records

Access feature areas from left hand navigation (for some of you)
Note: We’re releasing these updates in waves instead of deploying everything at once. When waves complete, we'll update the help content to reflect those changes.

To make it easier to access features with more intuitive navigation, the menu has moved to the left side of screen and some features have been moved to new areas for accessibility.


You can now find features in the following areas:

  • Constituents — Constituent lists is now available from Constituents, where you can also access Data health and Duplicate management.

  • GiftsFundraising is now Gifts. You can access Gift management (now Gifts, Overview), Gift lists, Receipts, Acknowledgements, Giving statements, and Funds under Gifts.

    Tip: Gift batch entry is now accessible directly from Gifts in left navigation.

  • CommunicationsMarketing is now Communications, where you can now access Email and Workflow designer.

  • Online Giving — You can now access Online Giving to create Optimized Donation Forms and access your Standard Donation Forms.

  • PortfolioWork Center is now available from Portfolio, where you can also access Prospect insights, Action lists, and Opportunity lists.

  • Events — You can now view and manage events from Events, Overview.

  • AnalysisQuery, Fundraising dashboards, and Dashboard builder are now all accessed from Analysis.

  • Settings — You can now find Control panel, System fields, and Tables under Settings.

Tip: For a full list of navigation changes, review Navigation Enhancements.

More enhancements to merge duplicate records
To help you manage possible duplicate constituent records, we’ve made the following improvements:

  • To prioritize active constituents, from a list of possible duplicates or merged duplicates, you can now select Filter and add the filters for Include deceased and Include inactive to filter deceased and inactive constituents from the list of possible duplicates or hide merges where the source constituent was deleted.

  • To help you correct duplicate merge errors, from Duplicate management, Merged duplicates, you can now view more details for merge failures to help you correct merge errors under Status.

For more information, see Duplicate Management.

News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 02/04/2025 4:00pm EST

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Is there a way to request the new navigation? I was on a training this morning that doesn't correlate fully because she was using the new nav and I don't yet have it. I liked what I saw though!

The new navigation is fantastic, visually it seems to make more sense, plus it invokes the style of layout that was familiar from database. It seems to be encouraging my team to explore NXT a little more and by a little less shy about using it! We're finally starting to explore maybe getting some additional features like insight designer! Fingers crossed!

We are loving the new search at the top of the screen - so much better! Thank you for the redesign.
