Google Drive Submissions: Sharing Is Caring 5078

Google Drive Submissions: Sharing Is Caring


As kids, we were always taught that sharing is a good thing. Have an extra cookie? Why not put a smile on a friend’s face and give it to them? Frankly, it’s a life lesson that still applies today.

Sharing is also a concept that the Academics team wanted to really highlight within the Assignment Center to make life easier for both teachers and students when working with online submissions. Perhaps a class has multiple teachers, assistants, or helpers that need access to student’s work. Maybe certain assignments get graded by a secondary teacher. Whatever the reason, online submissions now make it easier than ever to share content with other people.

When working with online submission assignment types, students first head to the Assignment Center and then view the Assignment Detail page to attach a file. When attaching a file, picking a Google specific file (Google Doc, Slide, Sheet, etc) not only enables the user to select up to five files but they can also see who the file is going to be shared with. Typically, the list adds all faculty currently assigned to the active term, but by selecting Edit this list, additional users can be added or removed.

This is a feature we originally added as part of the August release, but with the current school year still relatively young, we wanted to make sure teachers, administrators, and faculty were aware. If you want to see this feature in action, make sure to check out the release video from August.

I do hope you’ll join us again next week as we take a closer look at all of the new content coming next week in the October release. Until then, thanks for reading!
News Blackbaud K-12 Solutions™ Blog 10/09/2018 8:27am EDT

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Megan Day Megan Day Oct '18
This feature isn't usable until teachers have control over receiving notifications. We have teachers that collect an online assignment every class for each of their students. This means hundreds of email notifications a week. Many of our teachers have gone back to the "old way" of having students share their document (uncheck "send notification") and then attach the file.

Vote for the Idea here! :
Peter Iles Peter Iles Oct '18
This feature is amazing, except it only works for about 30% of students. Most of our students, the share and attach button never lights up.

According to my support ticket they're aware of it but they have no timetable for when it will be actually fixed.
