We Need You! Let's Talk About Video Content 5509

We Need You! Let's Talk About Video Content

Even though we’re only three months in to the year, it’s been pretty busy for all of us here working on the K-12 Solution. So far, 2019 has already seen a lot of changes and evolutions to each of the products that you use daily.

That sort of evolution is something we also want to bring to our videos going forward. For the past few years, we’ve been able to develop all sorts of K-12 video content from detailing product features like LTI, Rubrics, and Committee Review to our monthly release videos that give you a brief look at “What’s New.” It’s a key component for us and one of our pillars of content distribution next to our online help center and embedded help panel.

While I’m not quite ready to lay out our plans on how videos will be changing later this year, I did want to open up a dialogue with you, dear reader. As someone who watches our video content, I’m curious to know what you think of them.
  • How do our videos help you learn more about the product or understanding how something works?
  • What sorts of video content are your favorite? (Release videos, tutorials, feature spotlights, etc)
  • What would you like to see from our videos in the future? It can be a topic you’ve been wondering about or maybe even a certain type of video we’ve done in the past.
Ultimately, we’re just looking for your general thoughts on videos in general. Again, I can’t promise that everything you share with us will definitely happen at some point, but we’re always looking for feedback to improve what we can offer you.

So, make sure to leave a comment below to let us know your thoughts and leave a like below. Thanks for reading everyone and make sure to keep a look out in a future blog post as we reveal the direction our videos are heading in for the latter half of 2019.

Thanks for reading!
News Blackbaud K-12 Solutions™ Blog 03/19/2019 10:59am EDT

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Like the video content... 
I find the release videos helpful!
More video tutorials for K-12 solutions.  We spend a huge amount of time putting together training/tutorial videos and instructions for teachers and staff doing quick breakdowns of how to do various tasks (calculating grades, post featured content) in the system as they seem to need reminders.  ;)
Video training need: Smart Tuition Integrated Contract – best practices for setup
