Assignment Grades, Report Card Grades, and Gradebook, Oh My! 5747

Assignment Grades, Report Card Grades, and Gradebook, Oh My!

“Lions, and Tigers, and Bears, On My! – Dorothy (Wizard of Oz)”
I think we can all agree that being lost is never fun. Just look at poor Dorothy who woke up in a strange land all by herself. Thankfully, she eventually finds some friends to help her along the way.

That same sense of feeling lost definitely extends to technology. Using a new product or one that you’re not familiar with can be a lot like waking up in a place like Oz, confusing and perhaps a bit disorienting. That’s really where we come in. We want to be your Glinda the Good Witch minus all of her cryptic messages and constant disappearing act.

I don’t need to tell any of you that Grading is one of the most important parts of any school so naturally, we want to make this side of the Blackbaud education suite as easy as possible to understand. We’ve already reorganized the “Grades” documentation section, created a new Teacher Resource page to make the information easy to find (there’s no place like home!), and now we’ve created a couple of high-level videos to introduce many aspects of grades.

First up is a Gradebook video, intended to show you where to find Gradebooks for your Assignment Grades as well as show off what it looks like and how to use it. Keep in mind that Gradebooks are where you enter your day to day grades from thins like assignments, homework assessments, and more.

Next up we have a video detailing Report Card Grades. Want to know more about the setup process or how teachers can start entering student grades for report cards? This is the video for you!

These two videos are a big representation of what I’ve been hinting at in previous blog posts. In fact, we’re planning to continue making more of these shorter, high-level overview videos on all sorts of topics. Don’t worry though, these won’t be replacing our current offerings such as our in-depth video guides. We’ll certainly be continuing with those as well.

However, in an effort to produce more videos in a faster time frame, you can expect to see plenty more of these style videos. In fact, we’re also planning on creating videos for new features as they’re introduced in our monthly updates. Not only does this make these videos easier to search for and find on our YouTube channel, but we’ll be able to create and release them much more often.

We’re excited for what’s coming and I hope this quick look at some of our newer video content gets you ready for the next few months as well. Our goal is to continue creating loads of content so that when many of you come back after a well-deserved summer break, you’ll have plenty of new stuff to check out.

I’ll have more on our Summer Plans next week, so make sure to come on back to check that out. Have a great week everyone and we’ll talk to you next time!
News Blackbaud K-12 Solutions™ Blog 06/04/2019 12:49pm EDT

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