The Financial Post 9160

The Financial Post


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Hello and welcome to The Financial Post for August 2023!

On the first Thursday of every month, we bring you the latest Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT® news on everything from current projects and initiatives to release information and much more!

If you haven’t had a chance to read last month’s edition of The Financial Post, you can check it out here.

In This Issue

This month's post features these topics:

  • What’s New
  • What’s Next
  • Total Web Solution Journey
  • Stay in the Know

What’s New

We recently released several new features in Financial Edge NXT web view!

Credit Memo Report. Under Reporting, you can now add and run the Credit Memo report in web view. This report provides a detailed list of vendors’ credit memo activity, including the amount used for each vendor and the amount of credit outstanding per vendor. Use this report to determine all total outstanding credit memos issued to date that you need to apply before you pay vendor invoices.

For more information, see Credit memo report.

Encumbrance Report. Under Reporting, you can now add and run the Encumbrance report in web view. An encumbrance is an item an organization has ordered but not yet paid for. This report displays outstanding debts on purchase orders as well as the purchase order details, extended cost information, and grand totals for the detail definitions.

For more information, see Encumbrance report.

Transaction Journal. Under Reporting, you can now add and run the Transaction journal in web view. This reports lists debits and credits entered directly from ledger, Journal entry or from another Blackbaud solution. For more information, see Transaction journal.

Increase/decrease budget by period. Under General ledger, Budgets, you can now increase and decrease account, project, or grant budgets by periods. To update amounts, select Increase or Decrease (respectively) from a budget's action bar. These options offer flexibility and allow for a more efficient budgeting process as changes arise. For example, you may find it helpful to copy and update a budget scenario, then compare it to the original.

For more information, see Budgets.

Distribution sets. You can now add, edit, and delete distribution sets in web view. ure areas (for example, when adding invoices). Distribution sets are predefined templates that include details such as accounts, projects, transaction codes, and the amount or percentage to be used for the distribution. You select these sets from the distribution grid across feature areas (for example, when adding invoices).

Prior to this release, you added, edited, and deleted distribution sets directly in database view. You could only select and apply them in web view. For more information, see Distribution sets.

Fixed Assets Business Rules. You can now manage General business rules for Fixed Assets in web view. Business rules help you customize standard procedures and requirements. We're releasing these updates in waves. Some of you already see these changes, and some will see these updates in an upcoming wave.

Payables Business Rules. You can now manage Payables business rules in web view. We're releasing these updates in waves. Some of you already see these changes, and some will see these updates in an upcoming wave.

What’s Next

We are currently working on several features and enhancements for Financial Edge NXT web view. Here are some of the updates you will see in upcoming releases:

Fixed Assets Business Rules — You will soon be able to manage more Fixed Assets business rules in web view. Business rules help you customize standard procedures and requirements.

Treasury — We’re introducing updates to Treasury's deposits and Miscellaneous (Misc.) Payments in Financial Edge NXT in the coming weeks. Misc. Payments replaces Cash Receipts in the database view, so you'll no longer have access to those records there. Bank accounts, credit card accounts, and Treasury reports are not impacted by these changes and customers with Accounts Receivable are not part of this release.

Bank Feed (Yodlee) — We are upgrading our Yodlee/Fastlink APIs in Financial Edge NXT to improve performance and offer better user experience. This upgrade also supports open banking.

Attachments — For security purposes, we are updating how attachments are downloaded in database view and WebPurchasing.

We will now scan all attachments with anti-virus scanning to improve your security experience. Attachments will be accessed via a shortcut link (URL extension) that will open to a Financial Edge NXT landing page, allowing you to access and download the file.

Receivables – Receivables will be offered as a read-only Preview. We'll monitor your feedback and make improvements as we prepare for general availability.

Total Web Solution Journey
Database view users: As Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT moves to a total web solution, we're actively moving database view features completely into web view.

To stay informed of the features we plan to turn off in database view, and the general timeframes, check out our Total Web Solution page.

NOTE: We'll move features from database view to web view in waves. This means that as features are "turned off" in database view, some of you will receive the updates immediately and others will see them in a future release.

Stay in the Know

Thirsty for more Financial Edge NXT knowledge? Here are some of the best ways to learn more about what's coming:

  • Community Announcements. The Community is a great way to stay informed. Subscribe to Financial Edge NXT Community Announcements by clicking on the "Subscribe" link at the top of this blog. You can then select how often you want to receive update notifications.
  • Release Updates. Check out What's Recent, What's New, and What's Next to get all the details on prior, current, and future releases. To help keep you up to date on the most recent developments, What's New automatically opens when you log in to the web view.
  • In-Product Help. Help documentation throughout Financial Edge NXT is context sensitive. So, no matter where you are in the solution, you can click the bright green question mark at the top right of your screen to get help for that feature.
  • Product Update Briefings (PUB). Check out the most recent Financial Edge NXT PUB from BBCON in October, now on demand, to hear from our product management team directly on the latest and upcoming development for Financial Edge NXT!

We hope you'll stop by to check out next month's issue!

News Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT® Blog 08/03/2023 4:31pm EDT

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