Fellowship Of The Badges: Side Quest! 4661

Fellowship Of The Badges: Side Quest!


We have our first winner for Badge Quest: Chamber of Badges. Plus, calling all NINJAS IN TRAINING -- it's time for a side quest!

Are you ready to earn an extra entry into Badge Quest: Fellowship of the Badges?

Bonus: Your side quest challenge will also give you a headstart on the final Badge Quest (still to be named, although "Raiders of the Lost Badges" is currently in the lead.) Gah! I've said too much!!

Check out all of the adventurers who have completed Fellowship of the Badges and Chamber of Badges and send them a friend request. The more connections you are making the better! Once you have friended them - leave an interesting fact about your organization on their wall. It can be anything.. when it was founded, what your mission is, a story about a beloved volunteer, etc. 

For BONUS COMMUNITY POINTS (let's say, 50!)  - leave a factoid about your new connection and/or their organization in the comments below. Not only is it fun to learn about a new connection in Community, learning about the mission they are passionate about is also inspiring!


We'd also like to congratulate our first Badge Quest winner: Janet Paddock! She earned all five badges needed to win Badge Quest: Chamber of Badges. Say CONGRATS on her wall and send her a friend request. WTG, Janet!

Thanks to everyone for playing. Round three is just around the corner and remember if you complete all three rounds of Badge Quest, you'll earn the exclusive, elusive, one of a kind... NINJA BADGE!

Ready.. set.. Badge Quest! cool

3b96fa4d7754e32ccd6144d9a80e043a-huge-mo  *Moo Shoo Approved.
News Community News 05/07/2018 9:59am EDT

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Barb Gill Barb Gill Jun '18
This is my new connection KaLeigh's first year using a BB product, but she seems to be all over it. She's using the community; has lots of badges.
I have attended some sessions at our locations here in Dallas and have been fortunate to meet Yvette Elkins from CFT.  They have a large team and much like us trying to do data cleanup!
My new connection, Kierstin Sykes, works for the UC San Diego Foundation, which was founded 8 years after their campus opened to help with the optics of private support staying in San Diego versus going to Oakland to support the entire UC system.  
Ro Soriano Ro Soriano Jun '18
My new connection Linda Saneda of San Diego is passionate with hikes with her husband and chilling on their patio zen zone. She lives with 2 huge dogs, 2 cats, and a bird named Wally.
My new friend Ash Elverfeld is a development data specialist for the Native American Youth and Family Center. Fun fact I found interesting, they use the medicine wheel as a guide to take a holistic approach to work with Native youth and families- believing that mind, body, spirit and context must be in balance for health lives.
Bonus points awarded! Thank you to everyone who is participating in Badge Quest & the Side Quests!
Sarah Garita is a new friend of mine, and it's her first year using Blackbaud products at Guadalupe Center, Inc.  Welcome to the community, Sarah!
Crystal, I can't tell if I have completed quest #2 or not - can you please confirm to me privately?  When I look at the list of folks who have marked it completed, I can't find me alphabetically or by my photo.  Thanks!
My new friend Nancy Slyter is not only a Development officer for Colorado Uplift, but an active member of the Denver art community as an established artist since 2005. 
Lia Wilson of the Mercy Health Foundation shares a love of crafts, and especially enjoys crochet.
I am so excited to see sooooo many cat lovers striving for Ninja status, including my new friends Stacy Wintjen, Lia Wilson and Mercedes McCay-Read. Stacy is from Delaware so we used to be neighbors (I lived 5 miles from the DE border, that makes us neighbors, right?) Lia loves Dr. Who and Criminal Minds (so do I!), and Mercedes is relatively new to Blackbaud. 
My new friend Sage Evans and I have a mutual love of cats and travel.  And we're both Iowans.
I needed a little break and this was perfect reading in the contents section, learning about everyone! Thanks for participating all :) 
Adam Davenport's organization, Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota (home of Mt. Rushmore), was founded in 1920 and they are gearing up to celebrate their 100th year in 2020! Woohoo! :) 
I just friended Blair Phillips and she works for  Historic Charleston Foundation.  They want to SAVE WHAT MAKES US.
Thanks Adam Davenport for the connection and the factiod:  Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota (home of Mt. Rushmore), was founded in 1920 and is gearing up to celebrate its 100th year in 2020!
I've been sending friend requests to some fellow cat people. :)  If Lia accepts, then we'll have a fun shared fact. We both have cats named Hugo, and they were both named in part after Hurricane Hugo (the eye of which passed over my house).
I connected with Larry Wheeler at Austin Peay Statue University and found out that we were both born in the same state, Oklahoma. Hope you all have a fabulous day!
I want to make sure everyone is entered to win Fellowship of the Badges. Did you click the button of all knowing to put yourself in the Quest Complete group? Please do! https://community.blackbaud.com/contest
My new connection from Halifax Grammar School, Faith-Anne Kyle, is excited that they are currently building on to their campus so next September they will all be under one roof!
