Quantifying the Value of "Hand-raisers" in Planned Giving 3877
Quantifying the Value of "Hand-raisers" in Planned Giving

Tuesday, January 31 at 1:00 p.m. ET

Hand-raisers are individuals who openly signal to an organization that they have interest in leaving a planned gift. Planned giving directors and gift officers can often have difficulty in justifying their annual budgets and efforts to cultivate these hand-raisers as compared to other initiatives that immediately bring money in the door for the organization.

This session explains how planned giving hand-raisers can be some of a gift officer's best leads—not just in the future, but right now. Brantley Boyett, co-founder and president of GivingDocs, will review behavioral science research behind this statement and answer questions like: Does a person signifying intent also have a quantifiable value to the organization before a gift is closed? Do they donate more or volunteer more than a typical donor? Are there other ways that they provide greater support to your mission?

View this webinar to learn:
  • The reality of today's hand-raisers and how they are currently valued
  • A clear framework for understanding the monetary value of a hand-raiser
  • Creative ways to get prospects to raise their hands
Date & Time
Tuesday January 31st, 2023 1:00pm EST
End Date & Time
Tuesday January 31st, 2023 2:00pm EST

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