What's Newer: Save Copies Of Lists! 3915

What's Newer: Save Copies Of Lists!

189b41d3d5099b823000f9bd19979a79-huge-saIn addition to the new Outlook add-in, Raiser's Edge NXT introduced a new enhancement in Lists: the ability to save a copy of a list, such as to start a similar list.

To create a copy of a list to start a new one, select Save, As a new list. When you save an existing list as a new list, you can then tweak its columns, filters, and security settings as necessary. (To instead save your edits to the open list, select Save, Changes to this list.)

For more information, see the Lists Help.
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 08/31/2017 10:05am EDT

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