Changes To The Gift API 6894

Changes To The Gift API

The Gift API was updated on 06/19/2020. See our Changelog entries for more information.

We added the Gift status endpoint, which provides the ability to edit the status of a recurring gift.

We also made the following changes to the Gift list (Get) endpoint:
  • You can now query by start_gift_date and end_gift_date to filter by a range of gift dates. Querying with start_gift_date without end_gift_date returns a list of gifts with gift dates greater than or equal to start_gift_date. Querying with end_gift_date without start_gift_date returns a list of gifts with gift dates less than or equal to end_gift_date. Supplying both returns a list of gifts with gift dates between the two values.
  • You can now query by start_gift_amount and end_gift_amount to filter by a range of gift amounts. Querying with start_gift_amount without end_gift_amount returns a list of gifts with amounts greater than or equal to start_gift_amount. Querying with end_gift_amount without start_gift_amount returns a list of gifts with amounts less than or equal to end_gift_amount. Supplying both returns a list of gifts with amounts between the two values.
News SKY Developer Announcements 06/19/2020 4:30pm EDT

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